Specializing in the Financial Aspects of Divorce


Serving Individuals and Partners

                     In the San Francisco Bay Area

                                     (415) 287-7807
Divorce Realities
The process of divorce is difficult for all lives it touches. Histories that bound families, friends and home life are often disrupted. You and your family’s standard of living and financial security may also undergo a dramatic shift during this difficult and troubling time.

Nothing impacts a couple’s financial future more than the decisions that you make today regarding how the material estate is to be divided. During the divorce process many financial related questions and concerns may arise for both spouses such as:


  • “How much will I have to live on?”
  • “Can I afford to keep the house?”
  • “If I decide to divorce, what will my financial world look like?”
  • “Divorce is expensive. Is there a way to keep the cost down?”
  • “How can we come to a resolution without a battle?”
  • “Can we keep the kid’s in their home?”
  • “How much support will I need”? "How much support can I afford to pay?"
  • “This is so hard. Where do I start?”
  • “Will I have to go back to work?”
  • “I am a smart person but finances aren’t my thing”.
  • “My spouse has the divorce all figured out. How do I know that it is fair?”
  • “Am I going to run out of money?”

Since 2000 I have worked with individuals and families to help them navigate through their divorce. If similar questions have crossed your mind please take some time to review this site and explore how I can help you through your divorce.  Please contact me to set up an appointment.

Client Testimonial
“Lisa was extremely instrumental in supporting me during the collaborative process in my divorce. She was laser sharp in demonstrating with facts and figures that the sale of my house was critical in my moving forward financially. Consider yourself fortunate to have her on your team!”


Contact Lisa
(415) 287-7807 Phone
(866) 234-4836 Fax
lisa.8@schneiderfa.com Email

Meeting locations in

San Francisco, San Mateo
and Lafayette